Taste and See

O taste and see that the LORD is good:

blessed is the one that trusteth in him.

Psalms 34:8 KJV

The writer of this Psalm tells us to taste something so that our eyes will see. This is a spiritual truth that needs to be perceived with spiritual eyes.

When you taste something of God, you experience it with your spiritual or physical senses and that will open your spiritual eyes to ‘see’ God in a way that you had not before. This can also be considered a revelation, God removing a veil to give you understanding.  

God generously gives us opportunities to experience his goodness. He is not showing off, he is saying, “see, I told you!”

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

John 4:24

If we so choose, we will spend eternity with God and learn more about him, but one can learn and know certain aspects of his character now. Lean in to him to experience more of him, who his is and what he is like. Ask him questions much like you would a new friend. Take your situations and tell the Lord that you desire him to show up in your life in the midst of that situation. The Great I AM wants to invade your life with perfect love to release you from all your fears and failures.

Taste and see – allow the Supernatural God to touch your physical realm to show you that he is a Good God.


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