I don’t know about you, but everyone I know refers to the Employment Office as the Unemployment Office. Sometimes it’s just referred to as Unemployment, as in, “did you go down to Unemployment yet”?
My cousin’s wife worked there and pointed this out to me once. I had never paid attention to this confusion, but she was aware of it as it was her job. There is no such thing as the Unemployment Office.
I see this same type of confusion in many aspects of Christianity but namely in the aspect of Grace. Some add modifiers to make it something else, namely, Cheap Grace or Greasy Grace.
There is nothing about Grace that is cheap or greasy. To refer to grace other that the sacred free gift of God is heresy.
The Grace of God is the power to save from the guttermost to the uttermost. Christ’s death on the cross paid the price to make you sinless. He paid the the price for every sin that was ever committed whether you want to receive the forgiveness or not.
If someone uses grace as an excuse for sin, they do not understand grace and are not applying it properly to their life.
Grace is the power to BE FREE from a sin behavior; Christ already made you free from sin. When applied correctly, the Grace of God can free your mind, will and emotions from the vilest of bondages. If you struggle with a sin habit in your life, the Grace of God is there for you. It is the foundational message of Christianity to lead you to a deeper walk with God. Just remember, there is nothing cheap about it.